Survey: parents 'in the dark' about how K-12 testing data is used for academic support

While parents strongly support the use of statewide summative assessments to measure student progress, many believe that few K-12 leaders are clearly sharing how results are used to formulate academic intervention strategies.According to a recent poll released by the National Parents Union that surveyed 1,518 parents to understand how they perceive the use of assessments, families are often left in the dark about how tests are used to help target resources and academic support programming.  It said that more than eight in 10 parents agree that assessment data should drive actions that help students, including ensuring educators receive necessary professional learning (89%), establishing additional programming like after-school tutoring (88%) and providing wraparound services like food assistance for students in poverty (86%).In addition, more than two-thirds of parents were very likely to engage with their child’s school about the use of data through strategies like completing surveys (82%), attending monthly meetings (69%), and joining parent advisory councils (64%)."Parents have shown a strong desire for assessment data to be actionable. Even among parents who are unsure of the value of statewide assessments, when they know how the data is being used to give resources to struggling students, the value grows by nearly two-thirds,” National Parents Union President Keri Rodrigues said in a public statement.According to a news release about the findings, an EdTrust analysis from two years ago found that administrators and policymakers often use test data to “make critical decisions about how resources were distributed amongst and within schools,” but parents often know very little about how those decisions are made. It said that EdTrust and the Collaborative for Student Succes set out to bridge this disconnect through a qualitative study of district leaders across the country, adding that the results of that study were used by the National Parents Union to survey parents about how they view state testing."Parents and caregivers want to understand the information provided from statewide assessments to know how their schools are faring and how this data is being used to guide school leaders' decisions that support their children's academic growth, but unfortunately, too many parents are left in the dark about how these decisions are made,” Denise Forte, president and CEO of EdTrust, said.“This research shows why it is important that school and district leaders actively and authentically engage with parents and caregivers. When they do so, communities can better understand what's most effective in accelerating student learning, where there's room for improvement, and how to work in partnership with schools."


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