National Science Foundation awards UT $18 million to study human factors in pandemics

University of Tennessee ecology and evolutionary biology professor Nina Fefferman was recently awarded $18 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation to study how infectious diseases can spread to cause an epidemic or pandemic rather than dying out.

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College and Higher Edu..., Knoxville, News Brandon Paykamian College and Higher Edu..., Knoxville, News Brandon Paykamian

UT leads research project to 'create the perfect pitches' at 2026 FIFA World Cup

A delegation from FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) recently visited the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as part of the FIFA Pitch Research Field Day event to inspect the university’s field turf research and development facility, as well as to meet the teams from UT and Michigan State University (MSU) tasked with creating "the perfect natural grass pitches for the FIFA World Cup 2026,” a university news release said.

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College and Higher Edu..., Knoxville, News Brandon Paykamian College and Higher Edu..., Knoxville, News Brandon Paykamian

UT Haslam College ranks first and second for graduate and undergrad supply chain programming

The University of Tennessee-Knoxville's Haslam College of Business has once again received national recognition for its programming relating to supply chain management, ranking first in Gartner's 2024 Top 25 Supply Chain University rankings for graduate supply chain management programs and second in North America for undergraduate programs.

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News Brandon Paykamian News Brandon Paykamian

UT-Knoxville to lead $25M nuclear technology research consortium

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville has been named the lead institution for a $25 million cooperative agreement awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation to support research relating to “nuclear security and nonproliferation missions,” a recent announcement said.

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Scholarship opening doors for KIPP students who worry they can’t attend the University of Tennessee

Daniela Castro Pu says the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK) felt like home almost immediately.Castro Pu is now weeks away from finishing her sophomore year at UT and she says the experience has been everything she’d hoped for but the ideal university match wasn’t always in the cards.Castro Pu says she might never have even considered the University of Tennessee if KIPP hadn’t offered a specific scholarship created for students like her.

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Hall at risk of a fall. Why the University of Tennessee says it desperately needs a new chemistry building.

Viktor Nemykin heads up a chemistry department that’s ranked second in the world for its polymer program and boasts the third largest number of undergraduate credit hours on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville campus.As solid as the department’s foundation is academically, it couldn’t be standing on shakier ground physically.The department operates out of a 113 thousand square foot Buehler Hall that’s slowing sliding off the hill it sets on.

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UT and MTSU present budget requests

University of Tennessee President Randy Boyd told members of the Senate Education Committee that there are three myths tied to higher education.Those myths are that no one is going to college, it’s unaffordable, and debt is inevitable.Boyd said the UT College System has seen total enrollment grow by 7 thousand students over the last five years and it’s planning to increase enrollment from 59 thousand students to 71 thousand students by the year 2030. 

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Communities, State Education Sky Arnold Communities, State Education Sky Arnold

Could a “holistic approach” be the key to accelerating the success of black students in Tennessee?

Tennessee’s black male students statistically lag other demographics in enrolling, persisting, and completing post-secondary education. The State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) held a panel Wednesday to discuss how to reverse that as part of its SCORE Institute informational series on preparing students for Tennessee careers.“This SCORE Institute, and many of you have been here through kind of the series of SCORE Institutes, but this one in particular is focused on Black male success. And that’s not to say that there’s not room for improvement in serving all students well, but the data for Black males in particular is alarming,” said SCORE Vice President of Strategy Mary Cypress Metz.

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