National Science Foundation awards UT $18 million to study human factors in pandemics

University of Tennessee ecology and evolutionary biology professor Nina Fefferman was recently awarded $18 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation to study how infectious diseases can spread to cause an epidemic or pandemic rather than dying out.

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College and Higher Edu..., Knoxville, News Brandon Paykamian College and Higher Edu..., Knoxville, News Brandon Paykamian

UT Haslam College ranks first and second for graduate and undergrad supply chain programming

The University of Tennessee-Knoxville's Haslam College of Business has once again received national recognition for its programming relating to supply chain management, ranking first in Gartner's 2024 Top 25 Supply Chain University rankings for graduate supply chain management programs and second in North America for undergraduate programs.

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News Brandon Paykamian News Brandon Paykamian

UT-Knoxville to lead $25M nuclear technology research consortium

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville has been named the lead institution for a $25 million cooperative agreement awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation to support research relating to “nuclear security and nonproliferation missions,” a recent announcement said.

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Knox County school board fails to pass policy change banning books depicting sexual imagery

A proposal to ban books depicting sexual imagery in Knox County Schools failed in a 4-2 vote. The board discussed compliance with a new state law set to take effect in July.

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