National Science Foundation awards UT $18 million to study human factors in pandemics

University of Tennessee ecology and evolutionary biology professor Nina Fefferman was recently awarded $18 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation to study how infectious diseases can spread to cause an epidemic or pandemic rather than dying out.

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College and Higher Edu..., Knoxville, News Brandon Paykamian College and Higher Edu..., Knoxville, News Brandon Paykamian

UT leads research project to 'create the perfect pitches' at 2026 FIFA World Cup

A delegation from FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) recently visited the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as part of the FIFA Pitch Research Field Day event to inspect the university’s field turf research and development facility, as well as to meet the teams from UT and Michigan State University (MSU) tasked with creating "the perfect natural grass pitches for the FIFA World Cup 2026,” a university news release said.

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