Metro Nashville Public Schools’ quarterly testing shows growth, room to improve

Stock photo of student taking a multiple choice test (Photo by Andy Barbour/Pexels)

Metro Nashville Public School (MNPS) leaders say the district’s quarterly testing results show both promising growth and areas to target for improvement.

The district administers online Benchmark assessments quarterly to track student progress and measure both growth and achievement . All student groups met winter growth targets for math and are on track to meet upcoming growth targets for both math and English language arts (ELA) according to an update school board members received Tuesday night on the winter 2024 assessments.

When compared to fall 2024 scores, the percentage of students who fell into the two lowest performing categories in ELA increased slightly, with 47 percent of students falling into the “low category” compared to 44.8 percent in fall, and 14.3 percent landing in the “low average category,” up from 14 percent in the fall. Overall, 51 percent of students maintained or improved their growth in ELA.

Math scores held steady, with 41.5 percent of students testing in the “low category,” compared to 41.4 percent in the fall, and 17.7 percent falling into the “low average category,” a decrease from 18 percent in the fall. All student groups either met or exceeded goals for growth.

Metro Schools Director Dr. Adrienne Battle says the results are promising, but also highlight areas where additional support is needed, particularly early literacy and ELA.

 “We remain focused on strengthening interventions to ensure every student has the foundation they need for long term success,” said Dr. Battle.

Following the presentation, Board members discussed how to move forward to continue the progress being made, while addressing areas of need.

Board Member Abigail Tylor (Photo by MNPS)

“I was concerned to see the same challenges follow in English all the way through to high school,” said District 9 Member Abigail Tylor. “I know part of this is putting in place a plan, okay we know where we have holes, so how are we going to support?”

Dr. David Williams, MNPS Deputy Chief of Academics, says data from the assessments is used to help schools inform their planning and instruction.

“There are Benchmark analysis protocols that schools can use to figure out, what do they need to tighten up,” said Dr. Williams. “We’ve encouraged them to be laser focused on both the content, and the instructional strategies and planning and expect to see that in the classroom.”

Tylor also pointed out that some areas of concern noted in the testing, such as finding the central theme of a text, require critical thinking skills. She wanted to know how students are being prepared for advanced thought processing.

“How are we building in time for our students to not just have more test prep, but to have the ability to have those Socratic discussions where they’re having that critical thinking stretched?” asked Tylor. “I think one of the things we want our kids to be able to do is not just pick a multiple-choice answer, but we want them to understand it so they can extrapolate their thoughts moving forward.”

Dr. Williams said for the past year, the district has been working to roll out a strategy called instructional coherence. It’s a method aimed at connecting a central idea and aligning curriculum, instruction, and the learning climate across the school day. The aim is to ensure all parts of a school’s academic program work together to help students succeed.

“So that’s a larger strategy that we’re working on so that students have multiple times and multiple forms, whether I’m part of a whole group discussion, I’m in a turn and talk in my core class, or part of a small group for example, that I’m engaged in that same type of thinking,” said Dr. Williams. “The broad idea is that a kid has a seamless experience across the school day with what they’re learning.”

Dr. Battle said it helps instructors and students to relate how ideas and methodologies can build on each other and it’s something the district is continuing to work on.

“The deep understanding of what we’re asking for today, and how that leads to further learning, when you think about internalizing that, then it gives our educators a better kind of connected learning along the way,” said Dr. Battle. “So, you don’t have this isolation, so it helps you really see that, although it’s an area we have to work in.”

District 2 Board Member Rachel Elrod pointed out some types of questions given during the online Benchmark exams. While most are multiple choice, some have multiple correct answers or have more than one part.

“Why are those types of questions chosen, can you give us some insight into why it is tricky like that?” asked Elrod.

Dr Battle added to Elrod’s point, saying when it comes to identifying challenges or opportunities, the scoring doesn’t always reflect what students are capable of.

“Part of this is, do they have the command of the content and what’s being demanded of them, and then there’s this question,” said Dr. Battle. “Is this a test function challenge as opposed to content command?”

Dr. Williams told Board members Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) tests feature those same types of questions, so Benchmark tests are aimed at trying to give students as much experience as possible with them.

Overall, Board members were pleased with the progress indicated in the quarterly results and praised the rollout of instructional coherence that aligns curriculum, instruction, assessment, and learning in district schools.

 “The results that we’re seeing are positive,” said District 8 Member Erin O’Hara Block. “Of course, we all want to see every single one of those groups of students to grow, but progress is progress and I’m glad to see it.”


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