Schools starts in August. Here’s what you need to know

Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) has launched a “Back to School” webpage to help families prepare for the new school year that begins August 8.“The morning rings August 8, welcoming students, teachers, and staff in schools across the district - ushering in a traditional and exciting start of a new academic year. We are so glad we'll be back together,” wrote MNPS.In addition to having information to help get families and students ready for back-to-school season, the page provides information and resources for enrolling students, COVID protocols, and transportation.

Enrollment and Moving

New Davidson County students and rising kindergarteners have the option to enroll online where families can also find information on switching schools, non-residency, zoned schools and optional schools, and what documents are needed to enroll.Additionally, information on required immunizations and vaccine can be accessed through the online enrollment portal.If parents do not wish to enroll online, then they are able to make an appointment at one of eight enrollment centers.

School Supplies and School Attire

Every school varies in attire requirements and supply lists.Families will be able to find this information their school’s website, easily located through the district’s

Additional Resources

MNPS offers a variety of programs to support students and their families. Qualified professionals including school counselors, psychologists, school health nurses, social workers, and staff from community agencies will be available.The Student-Parent Handbook is also available, which provides important information on student rights, family resources, and district procedures.Information on available transportation options can be found on the Metro Schools Transportation webpages.Any questions or additional information not immediately covered by the site can be located by using the website’s search feature, contacting the district Family Information Center or the student’s school directly.Students or families who do not have English as their first language will be able to contact the Office of English Learners for assessment and registration.


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