Knox County School Board ignored its own district’s recommendation to approve a public charter school. That could change Thursday

Supporters of the proposed Knoxville Preparatory School will learn Thursday if having every school board member in attendance improves their chances of approval.Members of the Knox County School Board failed to approve the public charter school’s application during a tumultuous meeting earlier this month and failed to agree on a reason for denial. In multiple votes the board was unable to break a 4-4 tie with board member Susan Horn (District 5) absent.Horn is expected to be in attendance Thursday as the board votes again on the proposed school and whether to follow its own district’s recommendation to approve it.The Knox County Schools Charter Evaluation Team posted its report on Knox Prep this week and that review strongly recommends the board approve Knox Prep.Founded by PREP Public Schools, the proposed Knoxville Prep would be an all-boys school for grades six through twelve in the urban center of Knoxville. The school will be a replication of the existing Chattanooga Preparatory School in Hamilton County.The district review from Knox County found the school’s application meeting all state standards for approval including its plan for academics and its history in Chattanooga.“Overall, the academic plan as presented, along with the interviews of the founding team, gave the review team confidence this group can successfully open and operate a school that meets the academic and social-emotional needs of the boys who attend,” wrote the review team. “The past performance of Knox Prep's first school meets or exceeds the criteria for approval, as the review team has confidence based on both the written application and subsequent interview that this applicant can successfully operate a quality charter school.”Review team members additionally gave the application high marks for how the school intends to address staffing, finances, and its plans for facilities and long-term growth.PREP Public Schools has claimed it’s applying to open this school following requests from families in Knoxville who want a similar education option for their children that families in Chattanooga have.Knox County’s review team also found strong public support for the school.“The level of community and parent outreach is substantial as Knox Prep has been working in the Knoxville area for over a year and there were many letters of support for this school. Additionally, Knox Prep presented a solid plan for continuing to engage and involve parents after the school opens and welcomes them on both their governing and advisory boards,” wrote the review team.Despite the application’s glowing review from the district’s charter review team, the proposed school has seen opposition from some community leaders who worry the school will negatively impact traditional public schools in the area.If approved, Knox Prep would only be the second public charter school in Knox County.


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