State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Tennessee legislators look to Mississippi for guidance on changing the Third-Grade Retention Law

Wednesday members of the House Education Administration Committee received help making that decision from an unlikely neighboring state to the south. Former Mississippi Superintendent Dr. Carey Wright spoke before the committee on how her state has approached the topic of literacy and compared it to Tennessee’s intervention acts, including the Third-Grade Retention Law.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Representative Tim Hicks says he's received commitment to expand career and technical education

Legislation to expand access to career and technical education may have accomplished its sponsor’s goals without a single vote for passage.State Representative Tim Hicks of Gray, Tennessee says he decided to take House Bill 0117 off the House Education K-12 Subcommittee calendar Tuesday evening after receiving commitments from the Tennessee Department of Education to expand the availability of career and technical education and industry credentialing programs.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Education Commissioner says new school funding formula will give teachers an average $1,250 raise

One of major selling points in last year’s passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act was that it would provide money for teacher pay raises.Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn says that money will provide an average increase of $1,250 for each teacher in the state, but not everyone will see that much and some will receive more.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Representative Scott Cepicky cuts back the amount he wants to provide teachers for classroom supplies

Culleoka Representative Scott Cepicky drew cheers from public school teachers when he proposed legislation this year to provide them with $500 for classroom supplies.Tuesday Cepicky walked that number back in the House K-12 Subcommittee, by amending his bill to offer less assistance.

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State Government Sky Arnold State Government Sky Arnold

Tennessee is talking about rejecting federal education funding. What would that mean for kids?

When House Speaker Cameron Sexton recently floated the idea of Tennessee rejecting U.S. education dollars to free its schools from federal rules and restrictions, he made the pivot sound as simple as making up the difference with $1.8 billion in state funds.“I don’t think the legislation would be too hard to do,” he said last week after publicly declaring his desire to “do things the Tennessee way” at a Tennessee Farm Bureau reception on Feb. 7.

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Bill would make summer learning camps designed for COVID continue beyond the pandemic

Like many school districts across the country, Elizabethton City Schools entered the 2020/2021 school year with a new hybrid schedule that allowed students to split time learning remotely and in the classroom.The schedule was designed to address COVID-19 concerns and for elementary school students, it meant virtual learning every Wednesday.Dr. Tammy Markland says teachers at her Westside Elementary School quickly noticed challenges.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Education Trust's Reginald Nash suggests three changes to improve Tennessee’s Third-Grade Retention Law

Few educational issues have generated more disagreement this year than Tennessee’s Third-Grade Retention Law.The legislation was designed in 2021 to ensure that students who a need additional help in reading would receive it before being promoted to the fourth grade.Wednesday afternoon Reginald Nash with advocate organization the Education Trust told members of the State House Education Instruction Committee that any tweaks need to include an emphasis on building the literacy foundations both at the start of third grade and much earlier.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

TISA rules pass joint state committee

The Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) cleared an important hurdle Monday morning that ensures its eventual implementation for school districts across the state next school year.The Tennessee General Assembly’s Joint Government Operations Committee provided a positive recommendation to new rules that will govern TISA when it replaces the Basic Education Program (BEP) in the 2023/2024 school year.

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School Turnaround Program is working for two Memphis schools

Memphis schools Hawkins Mill Elementary and Trezevant High have been on the state’s priority list since the list’s formation in the 2011-12 school year. This means their students are consistently in the bottom 5% of state tests or have less than 67% graduation rate.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Legislator Profile: Senator Jon Lundberg making an impact leading the Senate Education Committee

There may not have been a single piece of legislation that was more impactful in 2022 than the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act.TISA as it was called, invested a billion dollars into K-12 education and fundamentally changed the way public schools are funded to be based on individual student needs.Still, the chair of the Tennessee Senate Education Committee says he wasn’t entirely sold on TISA at first.

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Commitment to diversity and change among the qualities Memphis parents want in next superintendent

Memphis-Shelby County School Board members received a clearer picture of the priorities parents want the next superintendent to have Wednesday night and two of the biggest are a focus on diversity and the ability to create change.The board held the second of three public input sessions this month to give parents and community members a chance to weigh in on the search that began when former Superintendent Joris Ray resigned last August.

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