State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian

Bipartisan vote leads to passage of legislation to reduce the number of fourth-graders held back under new reading requirements

In an rare move of bipartisanship, the State Senate sent legislation to Governor Lee’s desk Wednesday that should ease some of the concerns parents have about their children repeating the fourth grade.The state estimates roughly 6 to 10 thousand fourth-graders are at risk for retention under a provision of the state’s Third-Grade Retention law.

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State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian

Commissioner Lizzette Reynolds’ qualifications come under fire again during debate on the House floor

House Democrats continued their push for the removal of Tennessee Department of Education Commissioner Lizzette Reynolds Tuesday during a discussion about a temporary teaching license bill.Representative Kirk Haston, R-Lobelville, sponsored the bill to allow Tennessee’s Education Commissioner to issue temporary teaching permits for courses that require end-of-course testing. The permits would only be applied for and granted as a last resort for filling vacancies.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Governor’s Education Freedom Scholarship Plan faces uphill battle for passage

Governor Lee’s signature education proposal this year appears to be on life support.Tuesday afternoon both the Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee and the House Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee passed the state’s budget without taking up legislation to create the Education Freedom Scholarship plan. It would allow parents across the state to use public tax dollars to send their children to private school.

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Five Things to Know About Missy Testerman, the 2024 National Teacher of the Year

Missy Testerman has enjoyed a teaching career that is decades longer than most, spending more than 30 years in first- and second-grade classrooms.But when she saw that her K-8 school district in rural Appalachia was quietly becoming a refuge for families from Mexico, Central America and Asia, she shifted gears and became an English as a second language teacher, pushing to smooth her students’ — and their families’ — transition to life in the U.S.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

House education leaders decline to vote on bill outlawing marriage between first cousins

Two State Representatives who’ve played a big role in education legislation this session were among the nine Republicans who declined to vote on a bill Thursday that would ban marriage between first cousins. State Representatives Scott Cepicky, R-Culleoka, and John Ragan, R-Oak Ridge, didn’t speak for or against the bill but joined Representatives Tandy Darby, R-Greenfield; Bud Hulsey, R-Kingsport; Chris Hurt, R-Halls; Brock Martin, R-Huntingdon; Jay Reedy, R-Erin; Tim Rudd, R-Murfreesboro; and Iris Rudder, R-Winchester in opting against voting on it.

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State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian

Senate passes legislation to arm teachers following heated debate and clearing of spectators

The Tennessee State Senate passed a bill allowing teachers to be armed in the classroom following a chaotic discussion that included state troopers clearing spectators from the gallery above.Demonstrators in the crowd shouted their opposition to the legislation and one woman could be heard saying, “We’re all Covenant mothers,” referring to last year’s school shooting in Nashville that killed six people.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

“Data bill” continues to advance in the House. Supporters say it will help better prepare students for Tennessee’s changing economy.

Members of the House Government Operations Committee unanimously advanced legislation Monday that’s designed to help the state do a better job connecting students with the jobs that are available in their communities.That so-called “data bill,” sponsored by Representative Chris Hurt, R-Halls, would require the state to create a publicly available dashboard that includes data employers and students could use to see how well various instructional programs are working in Tennessee.

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State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian

Legislation requiring children to watch a video produced by group that opposes abortion heads to the governor’s desk

A bill that would require schoolchildren to watch a fetal development animation video made by abortion opposition group Live Action is on its way to Governor Bill Lee’s desk.The State Senate voted 21 to 6 in favor of the legislation Thursday, voting down four proposed amendments by Senate Democrats hoping to provide parents and teachers with more discretion and consent for whether not to show the “Meet Baby Olivia” video.

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Local Education, State Education Sky Arnold Local Education, State Education Sky Arnold

House finance committee advances legislation to make it easier for public charter schools to access vacant buildings

Members of the House Finance, Ways and Means Committee advanced a bill Tuesday that’s designed to make it easier for public charter schools to access vacant school buildings.The bill would require local school districts that have public charter schools in them to provide a list of vacant and underutilized buildings on an annual basis.

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Rogersville City teacher named 2024 National Teacher of the Year

For the first time in 35 years, a Tennessee teacher is the National Teacher of the Year.The Council of Chief State School Officers awarded Rogersville City Schools K-8 English as a second language (ESL) teacher Missy Testerman the honor, recognizing her dedication to students and community. She’ll spend the next year serving as an ambassador and advocate for teachers and students across the nation.

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State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian

House committee advances legislation to create a new program to improve childhood literacy and workforce shortages

A key House committee advanced legislation this week that’s designed to address workforce shortages and early childhood literacy in one swoop.Representative Mark White’s, R-Memphis, “Promising Futures” bill intends to make this happen by combining an early childhood literacy program with childcare services for children. The goal is to help parents around the state where unaffordable childcare interferes with the workforce.

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Lawmakers from Nashville and Knoxville vote against effort to expand high performing schools in Memphis

By every measurement, the three public schools the University of Memphis operates on its campus are producing academic results.The university has been operating a public school for more than 100 years as a training site for teaching candidates and today that effort serves 1000 students at Campus School, University Middle School, and University High School.

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State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian State Education, State Government Brandon Paykamian

State lawmakers continue to advance conflicting plans to reduce the number of fourth-graders held back under new reading requirements

Tennessee lawmakers have expressed a desire to reduce the number of fourth-graders held back this summer under new state reading requirements, but with the legislative session winding to a close, there’s still disagreement on the best way to make that happen.Two different bills are advancing through House committees that would address the issue and a recent House committee meeting illustrated the potential challenges that may lie ahead deciding on one of them.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Tennessee Senate passes bill to do away with the Achievement School District

A proposal to shift low-performing schools from Tennessee’s sputtering takeover and turnaround district to other state-approved but locally managed intervention models passed unanimously Monday in the full Senate.The bill, which is awaiting action in the full House, seeks to phase out the Achievement School District, the state’s most ambitious and aggressive school improvement model, by the end of 2025-26 school year.

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Half of Nashville’s public charter schools outperform every comparable district school on state testing

Firefly staff compared each MNPS public charter school’s performance on the Report Card to traditional and magnet schools serving the same age students in the same school cluster. Half of those charters outperformed every comparable district run school in a majority of subjects.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

School districts could receive $215 more per student under new TISA funding plan

The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) is proposing sending school districts across the state an extra $215 per student next school year.If approved by the Tennessee General Assembly, that funding would increase the base amount districts receive for each student under the new Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) funding formula from $6,860 to $7,075 a year. TISA replaced the Basic Education Program (BEP) funding formula the state had been using last year.

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School districts received nine applications for new public charter schools. A new tool puts each under the microscope.

This year nine potential charter operators met the February 1 deadline to file an application to open a new public charter school.School board members in Memphis, Nashville, and Rutherford County will vote on those applications later this spring, and any parents who are interested in them now have access to an independent evaluation of the proposed schools.Education advocacy organization Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) launched this year’s edition of the Quality Charter Review on Monday with an evaluation of each application’s academic, operations, and financial plans. The review also provides an outline of each proposed school's strengths and needed improvements.

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State Education Brandon Paykamian State Education Brandon Paykamian

Senate committee advances legislation requiring students to watch a video made by an abortion rights opposition group

Members of the Senate Education Committee voted to advance legislation Wednesday that would require Tennessee students to watch a fetal development video created by a group that opposes abortion rights.The bill’s sponsor, Senator Janice Bowling, R-Tullahoma, told committee members the video “Meet Baby Olivia” would be beneficial to younger children that have not been exposed to fetal development yet.

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