Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Shelby County Commission give support to new schools and teacher raises

Shelby County Commissioners voted in favor of building two new high schools and providing a substantial raise to teachers Monday night.Both are key educational priorities in the county’s 2023/2024 budget that could receive final approval Wednesday morning.The capital spending plan approved by commissioners includes $65 million for building improvements and the construction of high schools in Frayser and Cordova. The backing from commissioners follows last month’s event in Frayser where students held a press conference to rally support for the new school.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

A Season of Scandal Leaves Memphis-Shelby Parents in the Dark on COVID Spending

The Memphis-Shelby County Schools, Tennessee’s largest district, received almost $776 million in federal relief funds to help students recover from the pandemic — more than any other school system in the state.But anyone interested in learning how the district spent that hefty sum might be left scratching their heads.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Choice Champions Student Profile: Kalen Sy dreams of making a difference in Memphis

Kalen Sy learned the value of education at an early age.His grandmother and mother repeatedly stressed the importance of education, and it charted a path forward.“I was like, 'I'm gonna go to college, I'm (going to) successfully complete college, get something and obtain something out of it other than just a piece of paper and a handshake.' I wanted to get something out of it. So, yes, my mom, single parent mom, she really wanted my brother and (me) to just be something great. She always wanted us to value education and soak up education and anything that we were doing in a public school. Because like my grandma always told me, she said, after high school you have to pay for every little thing, even a pencil is not free,” said Sy.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Former MSCS board member alleged ‘corruption.’ Here’s what an MSCS audit found.

Memphis-Shelby County Schools paid a lawn care vendor more than its contract allowed, lost some lawn equipment to theft, and paid an employee for days they didn’t work.The lapses surfaced in a regular independent financial audit of the district for the 2021-22 school year and were detailed in a report shared with state officials in January.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Memphis-Shelby County Schools approves teacher raises and safety improvements in new budget

Memphis-Shelby County School Board members voted in a major salary increase for teachers in the district’s 2023/2024 proposed budget.Under the spending plan, the district would increase the starting base pay from $42,000 to $47,000 for new teachers. This increase comes from an additional $27.3 million investment in teacher salaries and a new teacher salary schedule.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Memphis-Shelby County School Board vice chair steps down from following heated discussion about superintendent search

Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) is down one school board member and is no closer to finding a new superintendent following Tuesday evening’s special called meeting.During a sometimes-heated discussion on the superintendent search, Vice Chair Sheleah Harris announced she’s stepping down from her elected position.“I’ve been on this board for three years and I feel like I have served well. And I’ll continue to serve, to advocate until I leave this earth. But at this point, this is my last board meeting. I appreciate the support, my colleagues, I’m choosing to step down from this board. Like I said, I’ll continue to advocate, I’ll continue to serve, but this is the highest level of ignorance I have ever been a part of and for my own health, I just can’t be a part of it anymore,” said Harris.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Memphis activists challenge bans from school district property in federal lawsuit

Five people who were banned from Memphis-Shelby County Schools buildings and property have filed a federal lawsuit against the district, claiming officials violated their constitutional right to access public meetings.The people banned are activists in Memphis who have called on the school board to increase transparency and integrity in its search for a new superintendent.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Member of the “Tennessee Three” lends support to Memphis “School Board Five”

Representative Justin J. Pearson (D-Memphis) joined four members of the so-called “School Board Five” in a protest Friday outside the Memphis-Shelby County School Board retreat.Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) banned the five community activists last month following disruptions during a decision to put the district superintendent search on hold.That decision has since faced pushback from the Memphis community, including members of the activists’ families and friends. The “School Board Five” includes local activists Amer Sherman, LJ Abraham and Damon Morris, former teacher’s union president Tikelia Rucker, and former school board candidate Rachel Spriggs.Multiple board members have since expressed a desire to meet with the activists and lift the ban and Board Chair Althea Greene thanked Representative Pearson for helping move that process forward.

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Memphis Sky Arnold Memphis Sky Arnold

Memphis LIFT breaks ground on new resource facility

Parent advocacy group Memphis Lift broke ground on a new facility last week designed to not only serve more parents but also provide them with more assistance.“I got your back!” said Memphis Lift members as they celebrated.The new facility will be named the Brenda Rogers Resource Center, after a longtime community advocate and mentor to Memphis Lift Executive Director Sarah Carpenter. It will provide resources such as a food pantry, computer lab, uniform closet, and area for educational programs.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

More delays expected in the turbulent search for a new leader of Memphis-Shelby County Schools

Members of the Memphis-Shelby County School Board admit they don’t expect to be able to name a permanent superintendent by the start of the 2023/2024 school year.“We, unfortunately, will not have a superintendent by the first day of school,” said board member Joyce Coleman.Coleman’s comments came during Thursday night’s board retreat lead by former two-term board member and education advocate Tomeka Hart Wigginton. Members are utilizing the retreat to continue reevaluating the superintendent search and decide on the qualities and priorities each board member wants.Board members discussed multiple priorities including a focus on the budget, sustainability, literacy, and parental support. The superintendent qualities members discussed prioritizing included political savvy, community advocacy, financial knowledge, and the ability to be a collaborator.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Ban of five public speakers on Memphis-Shelby County School property faces criticism

Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) is facing pushback for banning five public commenters from all district property.The district made the decision to ban former teacher’s union president Tikelia Rucker, former school board candidate Rachel Spriggs, and local activists Amber Sherman, LJ Abraham, and Damon Morris following disruptions at the special meeting held May 9 when the board announced that the superintendent search will be put on hold.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Parents of Memphis third-graders should learn the results of the TCAP retest today

Administrators with Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) say parents should learn today if their third-graders need to attend summer school and/or tutoring in the fall.The district announced that it plans to send an email to parents of children who took the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) English language arts retest last week that explains whether the child scored proficient and what options are available if they didn’t meet that threshold.

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District level data shows challenges for third-grade students in rural counties and West Tennessee

The Tennessee Department of Education says four of five third-grade students in the Jackson-Madison County School System (JMCSS) failed to meet the testing threshold to advance to the fourth-grade. That’s the eighth lowest in the state and behind other large school districts including Memphis-Shelby County Schools.

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Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold Local Education, Memphis Sky Arnold

Memphis 3rd graders improved in reading from 2nd grade, but thousands could still be held back

Early state test results show Memphis third graders improved in reading this year, and more students in the cohort are mastering state reading goals.But about three-quarters of third graders in Memphis-Shelby County Schools are still not meeting expectations, which means they could face more tests, tutoring, and summer school this year. Unless they hit certain marks along the way, they could be held back.

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