State Education, National Education Sky Arnold State Education, National Education Sky Arnold

Tennessee students still aren’t completely back to pre-pandemic levels on the Nation’s Report Card but they’re beating the national average

Tennessee students outperformed the NAEP national average for proficiency in both subjects for both grades. Tennessee students have largely been below the national average in both subjects going back to 2003, with the exception of 2015 when fourth-graders exceeded the national average in math and eighth-graders exceeded it in reading.

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Local Government, Memphis, State Education Sky Arnold Local Government, Memphis, State Education Sky Arnold

Nation’s Report Card finds Tennessee students mirroring nationwide decline

Despite promising scores in this year’s Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP), Tennessee students continue to show the same signs of learning loss as their peers across the country in national testing.Tennessee's National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores released today mirror a historic national drop in the first testing following the pandemic.  While students in the Volunteer state are roughly at the national average in math proficiency and just under that in reading, proficiency in both subjects dropped to their lowest levels since 2011 with significant drops for students of color, English learners, and students with disabilities.

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National Education, State Education Sky Arnold National Education, State Education Sky Arnold

Nation’s Report Card Shows Largest Drops Ever Recorded in 4th and 8th Grade Math

National testing data released this morning reveals severe damage inflicted on student math and reading performance, reaffirming COVID-19’s ongoing educational toll. Even as some states have shown evidence of academic recovery this year, federal officials cautioned that learning lost to the pandemic will not be easily restored.Eighth-grade math scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, often called the “Nation’s Report Card,” fell by a jarring eight points since the test was last administered in 2019, while fourth-grade scores dropped by five points; both are the largest math declines ever recorded on the test. In reading, both fourth- and eighth-grade scores fell by three points, leaving them statistically unchanged since 1992, when NAEP was first rolled out.

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