Davidson County chancellor rules South Nashville students to remain zoned to attend LEAD Cameron Middle School
Myles granted LEAD Public Schools’ request to temporarily halt a controversial school rezoning plan approved by the Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) Board of Education last November that would have diverted children from attending LEAD Cameron as they have been without applying first.
LEAD Cameron parents ask school board members in Nashville to “stop playing these political games”
Alison and Tremayne Haymer say their seventh-grade son Caleb has truly thrived during his time at LEAD Cameron Middle School and they’re upset with a decision that could divert other students away from attending the school.
LEAD Public Schools files motion to stop a controversial rezoning plan from impacting families
LEAD Public Schools filed a motion Tuesday asking Davidson County Chancellor I'Ashea Myles to grant a temporary injunction on a recently approved Metro Nashville Public Schools rezoning plan.
Charter school operator files lawsuit accusing Metro Nashville Public Schools of diverting students of color to a lower performing school
On Monday LEAD Public Schools filed a lawsuit challenging a rezoning plan for LEAD Cameron as a violation of its charter with the district. LEAD is asking a Davidson County Chancellor to stop the rezoning from going into effect and potentially force the Tennessee school district to pay financial damages.
Three proposed public charter schools in Nashville receive positive recommendation for approval
Supporters of three proposed new public charter schools in Nashville are receiving support from the Executive Director of the state board tasked with deciding their future. Tennessee Public Charter School Commission Executive Director Tess Stovall released written recommendations this week supporting the appeals from Nurses Middle College, LEAD Southeast Elementary, and Encompass Community School.
LEAD Public Schools withdraws one charter school appeal and moves ahead with another
Leaders of LEAD Public Schools have decided to drop their appeal for the proposed LEAD Cameron Elementary, and instead focus on the appeal for proposed LEAD Southeast Elementary. Learn more about how the proposed Tennessee charter school would serve Nashville families.
Nashville’s students of color face an achievement gap. These board members just voted down every plan to address it.
MNPS Board of Education members voted down five proposed public charter schools.
Nashville continues to overstate the cost of public charter schools. Can any proposed this year get a fair vote?
The Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) Board of Education hasn’t approved a new public charter school since members voted in Aventura Community School in 2021 on a 5-3 vote.
Board of Education turns down expansion of Nashville charter network that's outperforming comparable schools
Metro Nashville Public Schools Board of Education turns down expansion of a Nashville charter network that's outperforming comparable schools.
LEAD Public Schools proposes creating K-12 school pipelines with two new elementary schools
LEAD runs six public charter schools in Nashville, including four in the Metro-Nashville Public School district serving families in South Nashville and Antioch. What the charter operator believes it’s lacking though, are elementary schools to feed students into those existing middle and high schools.
House advances plan to help make vacant property available to public charter schools
Members of the House Education Administration Committee advanced proposed legislation Wednesday to help public charter schools access school buildings that are sitting unused by local districts.The legislation would require local school districts that have public charter schools in them to provide a list of vacant and underutilized buildings on an annual basis. Under the bill, school districts would additionally be required to make those properties available to public charter schools at a fair market value and give charters a first right of refusal for either purchase or lease.
LEAD Public Schools names prominent Metro Nashville Public Schools principal to key leadership role
Two years ago, Dr. Ricki Gibbs featured prominently in WPLN’s Peabody award winning series the Promise, in an episode that contrasted two East Nashville public elementary schools that couldn’t be more different, despite their close proximity.
Academic gains propel LEAD Neely’s Bend out of the state’s Achievement School District
LEAD Public Schools announced LEAD Neely’s Bend will be the first public charter school in Nashville to exit the state-run Achievement School District (ASD) and move under the authority of the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission.The ASD is a school system in Tennessee created to provide academic intervention for the state’s lowest performing schools. LEAD Neely’s Bend qualified to move out of the ASD through improved academic performance during the 2021-22 school year.
Tennessee could see nearly two dozen new public charter schools proposed next year
School districts across the state received 23 letters of intent this month for applications to open new public charter schools next year. That’s the first step potential charter operators must take before submitting their formal application by February 1, 2023.The letters of intent include proposed schools in four counties that do not currently have public charter schools and they’re coming from both existing charter operators in Tennessee and those who were rejected this year.