Local Education, West Tennessee Sky Arnold Local Education, West Tennessee Sky Arnold

Jackson-Madison County seeks legal action to stop its first public charter school from opening

The Jackson-Madison School Board is considering court action to prevent the county’s first public charter school from opening.Board members voted Monday morning to pursue a legal challenge of the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission’s decision to approve an appeal from American Classical Education (ACE) earlier this month.  That decision overturned the district’s denial of ACE’s application in July.“This has been a long, frustrating process. We were crystal clear and very deliberate in following the state’s guidelines and rules during the entire process. So, we stand behind our decision,” said School Board Chairman James “Pete” Johnson.ACE first gained attention last year when Governor Bill Lee expressed support for the organization in his State of the State address, but the group faced criticism over its connections to Michigan based Hillsdale College and controversial statements Hillsdale President Larry Arnn made about teachers on video.

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