College and Higher Edu... Sky Arnold College and Higher Edu... Sky Arnold

Pell Grants fail to keep up with rising costs Tennessee students face

Federal Pell Grants, awarded to students demonstrating exceptional financial need, have not kept pace with the rising costs of higher education in Tennessee according to a new study by the Education Trust. The organization’s research also found evidence that financial barrier is hindering the graduation rate of Pell-eligible students. They graduate at a rate of 22 percent below students who don’t receive the grant according to the study.

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State Education, State Government Sky Arnold State Education, State Government Sky Arnold

Education Trust's Reginald Nash suggests three changes to improve Tennessee’s Third-Grade Retention Law

Few educational issues have generated more disagreement this year than Tennessee’s Third-Grade Retention Law.The legislation was designed in 2021 to ensure that students who a need additional help in reading would receive it before being promoted to the fourth grade.Wednesday afternoon Reginald Nash with advocate organization the Education Trust told members of the State House Education Instruction Committee that any tweaks need to include an emphasis on building the literacy foundations both at the start of third grade and much earlier.

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