Senate GOP challenger Bobby Harshbarger lists former TSU President Glenda Glover as one of his largest contributors

Senate district 4 challenger Bobby Harshbarger prominently lists supporting “anti-woke education” as one of his campaign priorities yet the fifth largest campaign donation he received this quarter came from the recently retired president of one of the country’s largest historically black colleges and universities.

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House candidate Brian Beathard campaigns on myth that Williamson County is receiving less money for schools from the state

Last Thursday Republican State House District 65 candidate Brian Beathard took to his Facebook page to attack what may be Governor Bill Lee’s biggest education accomplishment.In 2022 lawmakers passed the Governor’s Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) that invested a billion dollars into K-12 education and fundamentally changed the formula the state uses to fund schools.  Beathard told his supporters that TISA is reducing the amount of money schools in Williamson County are receiving.

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