State Education Brandon Paykamian State Education Brandon Paykamian

House advances legislation requiring students to watch a video created by an abortion rights opposition group

The House Education Instruction Committee advanced legislation Tuesday that would require Tennessee students to watch a fetal development video created by a group that opposes abortion rights.The committee voted on party lines in favor of Representative Gino Bulso’s, R-Brentwood, family life curriculum bill requiring schoolchildren to watch “Meet Baby Olivia.” Abortion rights opposition group Live Action created the three-minute ultrasound computer animation focusing on the development of a fetus for family life curriculums.

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State Government Sky Arnold State Government Sky Arnold

Classroom pride flag ban passes State House

A much talked about bill that would ban the display of pride flags in Tennessee public schools passed the full House on Monday following another heated debate.The 70-24 vote went mostly along party lines with every present Democrat opposing the bill and all but two Republicans voting to support it.Representative Gino Bulso, R-Brentwood, proposed the bill to ensure only certain types of flags are displayed in schools. Bulso said he brought the legislation to the Tennessee General Assembly after parents and a school board member in his district came to him about the issue.

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