Students in Rutherford County may take home new backpacks at summer camp

Stock photo of backpacks

Rising kindergarten through fifth-grade students who attend summer learning camp this year in Rutherford County could be taking home something extra to help carry their education forward.

Rutherford County Schools (RCS) is recommending purchasing backpacks for participants in the upcoming June summer learning camp. These backpacks will include fiction and non-fiction texts, English language arts and math workbooks, and a parent engagement guide.

“We have used these previously. They’ve been a good parent resource,” said Chief Academic Officer and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Kelly Chastain.

The district’s school board will vote on the purchase of these backpacks at Thursday’s meeting. The money to purchase the backpacks will come from the summer learning camp’s budget.

Summer learning camp dates announced

The district also announced the dates and locations of this year’s summer learning camp. The program is an opportunity for students to extend their learning during June and will take place Monday-Friday each week at the following schools:

  • LaVergne Lake Elementary School

  • Plainview Elementary School

  • Rock Springs Elementary School

  • Smyrna Elementary School

  • Smyrna Primary School

  • Wilson Elementary School

The camp will run from June 3 to June 28, and will be closed on June 19 for Juneteenth. Breakfast and lunch will be provided daily, and transportation will be offered as well. The summer camp is free to all RCS students, however space is limited.


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