Dr. Maya Bugg to step down from the Tennessee Charter School Center

Tennessee Charter School Center (TCSC) Chief Executive Officer Dr. Maya Bugg announced she will be stepping down in early summer after leading the organization for the last nine years. The center plans to name an interim CEO and conduct a search for a long-term replacement following the 2024 legislation session.Bugg has led the TCSC through an unprecedented growth of public charter schools in Tennessee.  When she joined the organization, Tennessee had 70 public charter schools serving more than 15 thousand students.Today there are 115 schools serving more than 44,000 students.“All of us who have been active in the public charter school space are deeply grateful to Maya and all that she has meant to our schools, families, and thousands of students,” said TCSC Board Chair Chris Barbic. “She has been an outstanding advocate and leader, and we wish her the very best as she explores her next opportunities."Bugg has championed policies in the state legislature during her tenure that directly impact public charter schools, including the establishment of the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission, increased funding for public charter schools, and the passage of a new school funding formula known as the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement."Working closely with Maya Bugg these many years, we have helped ensure that many more Tennessee families have access to a high-quality public charter school. This work continues and we will miss having Dr. Bugg leading the charge for the additional public school resources, facilities, talent, and training needed to support all Tennessee students, regardless of their neighborhood or zip code," said Representative Mark White, R-Memphis.Bugg has worked in education throughout her career, beginning in the classroom as an educator in North Carolina to later working for the U.S. Department of Education as a policy consultant.  She also serves as an adjunct professor of public policy and change management at Vanderbilt University.The Tennessee Charter School Center serves as the state’s charter school support organization, working to advance educational outcomes for all students through access to high-quality, public-school options.


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