Interim superintendent no longer a finalist to lead Memphis-Shelby County Schools

Interim superintendent Tutonial “Toni” Williams is no longer a contender to lead Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) on a permanent basis.At Tuesday evening’s school board meeting members approved a contract for Williams to continue serving as interim superintendent through August 29, with the key stipulation that she devote full-time attention to her duties of interim superintendent and not seek the position permanently.The board named Williams interim superintendent in August 2022 following the resignation of former superintendent Joris Ray. Williams initially said she wouldn’t seek the position permanently but changed her mind during the search and ultimately became one of the finalists.“Many members of our community have expressed their views and their emotions about how we are moving forward with our search, in light of all of this and regardless of the outcome of the search, I want to make one thing very clear, we greatly appreciate and value how Interim Superintendent Williams is conducting her business as our interim superintendent. However, at the time, my colleagues and I agree, for the sake of moving forward, Interim Superintendent Toni Williams, should not be considered a superintendent search finalist in this process,” said Board Chair Althea Greene.The decision followed the recommendation of attorney Herman Morris who the board assigned to engage with Williams and discuss the terms of a potential contract.“I met with Interim Superintendent Williams, and I found her to be engaging and sincere in her efforts to do what is best and right for the children that are under her charge in the (MSCS) City Schools as well as the employees of the (MSCS) City Schools, and the entire community. We had some earnest conversations and were able to arrive at what I believe is a good point in agreement,” said Morris.Board members came one vote shy of unanimously approving the new contract, with Frank Johnson as the only member voting against it.Multiple board members expressed their gratitude for the work Williams has done as interim superintendent and their continued support of her leadership until a new superintendent is appointed.“What I like about you is that you don’t discriminate between children and adults. I have been to several meetings with you. You take ideas and run with it,” said Board Member Stephanie Love. “Job well done, Toni.”“I just wanna echo what my colleagues have said about you. You’re a classy lady. Very classy. And we thank you. To the community and the listening public, this is just the beginning. The naysayers, we are doing our job. And we will continue to do our job. We are dedicated, the eight of us are dedicated,” said newly elected Vice Chair Joyce Dorse-Coleman.


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