
Representative Lamberth brings back a bill he says could save children’s lives

Representative William Lamberth’s, R-Portland, is hoping the second time is the charm for legislation designed to help improve school safety.

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Tennessee House adopts rules to limit debate and punish members for speaking out of order

The Tennessee House of Representatives formally adopted new rules for this year’s legislative session Wednesday that limit debate time and.

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Tennessee’s House and Senate end the week at odds on the special session. Will the weekend bring change?

The first week of the special session on public safety may have seen more criticism for what lawmakers didn’t do.

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Senators appear to be only interested in passing three bills during the special session

For the second straight day, members of the Tennessee State Senate continued to table the vast majority of bills they’ve.

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More than two dozen bills filed in advance of special session on public safety

Members of the Tennessee General Assembly have filed more than two dozen bills in advance of Monday’s special session on.

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House includes paycheck protection in legislation to raise teacher salaries after initially voting against it

In a surprising move, members of the Tennessee House re-included the paycheck protection provision of legislation to raise teacher salaries.

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House subcommittee ends its year by advancing three bills to make higher education more attainable to Tennessee students

The Tennessee House Higher Education Subcommittee ended its work this year by moving several pieces of legislation forward to support.

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House Democrats attack public charter schools despite academic success in their own counties

Thursday morning two House Democrats used what would otherwise be a routine vote to reauthorize the Tennessee Public Charter School.

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Expansion of Tennessee’s HOPE Scholarship finding support in state committee

Legislation to make the HOPE Scholarship accessible to graduate students received support from two key education leaders in the State.

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Bill would open the HOPE scholarship to students seeking a master’s degree

Tennessee students may soon be able to use their HOPE Scholarship to obtain a master’s or other advanced degree. Legislation.

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