
Middle school reading champ says winning was more challenging this year

Reading champion Tallen Haag’s love of books might actually have its beginnings in her mother’s search for a new house.

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Education could be the key issue for voters in the upcoming Governor’s race

29.5 percent of respondents in a new poll of East Tennessee residents cited education and children as the topic they

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New Learning Loss Scorecard Shows Parents How Pandemic Impacted Their School District

Today, The Education Recovery Scorecard, a collaboration with researchers at the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University (CEPR) and

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Knoxville House candidate proposes removing public funding from public charter schools in debate

In a televised debate on a wide range of topics, Democratic Tennessee House District 18 Candidate Gregory Kaplan proposed a

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Tennessee recognized for leading the nation in ACT access

Tennessee received national recognition Tuesday for its work to help all students fulfill their requirements for college admission. ACT, Inc.

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Nation’s Report Card finds Tennessee students mirroring nationwide decline

Despite promising scores in this year’s Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP), Tennessee students continue to show the same signs of

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Service for students with disabilities in question for proposed Classic charter schools

The Executive Director of the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission says two proposed schools offering a Classic Education model lack

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Financial questions raised for proposed high-quality nature-based charter school

The Tennessee Nature Academy aims to be Middle-Tennessee’s first nature-based public charter school but it’s a different type of green

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Poll: Half of Americans Know Little About CRT, What’s Actually Taught in Schools

Almost half of Americans have never heard of critical race theory, or say they don’t know anything about it, according to

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Reading champ a bookworm since he was a toddler

Jeffrey Stubblefield didn’t spend his summer break like most elementary school children.  Then again, Stubblefield is no ordinary fourth grader.

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