State Education State Government

House subcommittee advances Governor Lee’s legislation to raise teacher salaries

The House Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee advanced Governor Bill Lee’s legislation to raise teacher salaries without debate or even discussion Wednesday afternoon.

The plan would increase teacher salaries to at least $42,000 next school year, $44,500 for the 2024/2025 school year, $47,000 for the 2025/2026 school year, and $50 thousand for the 2026/2027 school year.

The legislation also provides teachers with new paycheck protection by prohibiting school districts from deducting dues from teacher paychecks for organizations and unions, including the Tennessee Education Association (TEA). Supporters argue local school districts shouldn’t be engaged in the process of collecting union dues.

An estimated 46,000 public school teachers currently have their TEA union dues automatically deducted.

The legislation now goes to the full House Finance, Ways, and Means Committee and if it passes there, the full House.

Tennessee Senators passed the  legislation last week by a 25 to 6 vote.

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